Sari Town Townhouse Project


Sari Town is a vibrant commercial shop-house with 235 adjacent townhouses, located in the heart of the Sala urban area, next to Sala Park.

With its multifunctional design: for commercial and residential purposes, Sari Town is a harmonious combination of comfortable and modern living space and convenient and luxurious business space in the heart of Sala urban area and Thu Thiem new urban area.

Location: 10 Mai Chi Tho St., An Loi Dong Ward, District 2, HCMC
Developer: Dai Quang Minh Real Estate Investment Joint Stock Company
Total Apartment No.: 235 units
Construction area 560 -720 sqm/unit
Total Number of Floors: 05 ( ground floor – 3 upper floor – 01 attic)
Total Number of Basements: 02
Lot size 112 – 144sqm (5.6 sqm x 15.0 sqm)
Status: Jun 2018
Property Management: Updating
Selling Price : VND 38bil – 45bil/unit ($1,6mil – 2,0mil/unit)
Rental: VND 73mil – 140mil/month ($3,200-$6,000/month)

